Sunday, July 3, 2011

Free Coupon Sites

One of the easiest ways to gain coupons is to print them on your computer.

Here are several websites that provide free internet printable coupons (IPs):

The following are just two of many manufacturer's websites that provide coupons. They may require signing up for an account: (Kellogg's brand items)

Many Stores provide both store and manufacturer's coupons. Here are a few: (scroll to the bottom of the page to find the coupons link)

You can often find high value coupons on Facebook fan pages.

Internet Printable (IP) Tips:
  • Print Two: Most printable coupons allow two prints. If it is a Bricks coupon, which looks like the image below, you can usually print a second coupon by hitting the back button on your browser three times. You will be redirected back to the print set-up page where you can hit the print button a second time. At and similar sites you can simply return to the home page after printing to re-select coupons to print.

  • Print Now: Print the coupons you think you will use while they are available. Many coupons are only available for a short period of time or for a limited number of prints.
  • Create a Coupon E-mail Account: I highly suggest that you create an e-mail account that you don't mind getting spammed. Many of the high value coupons require an e-mail (your price of admission) to print. Protect your account and information with an unused e-mail address. It's free and easy to sign up for a gmail account.
  • NEVER copy coupons: It is illegal and easily traceable (each coupon has an individual signature that can be traced back to your computer). Increase prints by using multiple computers, asking friends to print, or visiting the library.
  • Sundays, the 1st, and Month End are Golden: tends to reset at the beginning of the month. That means that you should print any coupons that you will use before the end of the month. On the first of the month, you will want to return and print any coupons that are valuable to you. RedPlum, SmartSource, and Target usually restock on Sundays.

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